Ansible can’t read some facts from Juniper devices
It is really amazing how fast Ansible is developed lately. Stable versions are released more often and contain more changes required by IT professionals. Many of them fill the gaps between two worlds – the developers and operations engineers. Unfortunately, some modules are not catching up as fast as they should which causes problems in developing simple tasks. I experienced such when I was working on playbook example required for my latest press articles for ‘IT Professional’ magazine. The default Ansible junos_facts module couldn’t correctly read JunOS version on some devices. Usually on devices running the older firmware release. This can be a real problem if some tasks execution depends on the firmware version on the router or switch.
Besides the official modules and lots of roles available on Ansible Galaxy repository many vendors developed their own modules and let them use for free. In many cases, it should be considered a better, more secure approach as long as the vendor repository is still maintained. In my
When the facts do not contain the version number
Ansible has the built-in module supporting several operations on Juniper devices running the
If you are working with the Ansible, you should already be familiar with the definition of ‘facts
Vendors support for Ansible
If you are a Juniper user, you are the lucky one! Juniper develops their own Ansible library. It is official, free and supported product available via Ansible Galaxy as a role. The source code is available on GitHub as well. If you experience problems the issue tracker let you report it. The installation is as simple as the ‘ansible-galaxy install juniper.junos’ command execution on the host and account where you execute the playbook. Of course, you need to ad ‘Juniper.junos’ role to your playbook as well. Tasks from the Juniper library starts with the ‘juniper_junos’ to differentiate them from the ‘junos_’ tasks from official Ansible library.
Juniper added their own task to gather facts from the device. To run it you need to call the ‘juniper_junos_facts’ module in the task and provide the variable name for the output as a ‘register’ parameter.
- name: Some JunOS playbook
hosts: all
connection: netconf
gather_facts: no
- Juniper.junos
- name: Gather the facts
register: my_junos_facts
You will find the firmware version recorded under the ‘my_junos_facts.ansible_facts.junos.version’ key.
So far I found no problems in reading the version number correctly using the Juniper library.