27 Apr

Getting familiar with IOS XR

I’m getting familiar with ASR9k routers and IOS XR right now at the training in Cisco HQ. IOS XR is different. It’s modular, it have slightly different fordesigns that traditional IOS or IOS XE, which is more or less IOS converted as a Linux process on ASR1k.
For those familiar with JunOS CLI and programming new IOS XR might be easier to use than traditional IOS CLI. You can prepare your configuration ahead, review it and commit all the changes at once. To bad Cisco didn’t implement commit check command like on JunOS that let you test if configuration that you’re going to commit is consistent. Another big disadvantage – when you execute show configuration changes diff you can see changes that will be made to running-config when you commit your changes. Diff looks quite similar to one you know from UNIX platforms. Except the fact that both lines that will be unchanged or removed are preceded with “-“, while lines that be added to configuration are preceded with “+”. Not really clear to tell what you remove and what not. But you can always perform show configuration changes to look how your configuration will look like after commit.

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