07 Oct

Different default BGP prefix policy on ASR9k

ASR9000 and it’s IOS XR required administrator to apply routing policy for every neighbor. This behavior is different from IOS where if no policy were applied router accepts and sends all prefixes without limitation. So if we make following configuration:

router bgp 65374
  remote-as 1234
  ebgp-multihop 10
  update-source Bundle-Ether1.260
  address-family ipv4 unicast
   soft-reconfiguration inbound always

router will inform us, that no prefixes will be send nor received on this session

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Aug 20 08:56:13.388 : bgp[137]: %ROUTING-BGP-6-NBR_NOPOLICY : No inbound IPv4 Unicast policy is configured for eBGP neighbor 
No IPv4 Unicast prefixes will be accepted from the neighbor until inbound policy is configured. 
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Aug 20 08:56:13.388 : bgp[137]: %ROUTING-BGP-6-NBR_NOPOLICY : No outbound IPv4 Unicast policy is configured for eBGP neighbor 
No IPv4 Unicast prefixes will be sent to the neighbor until outbound policy is configured. 

So proper configuration always have to contain policy attached to neighbor in proper address-family. In following example we’re making router send and accept all prefixes

route-policy Accept-All
router bgp 65374
  remote-as 1234
  ebgp-multihop 10
  update-source Bundle-Ether1.260
  address-family ipv4 unicast
   route-policy Accept-All in
   route-policy Accept-All out
   soft-reconfiguration inbound always

update: As my friend considered this is default behavior for eBGP peers only, for iBGP it works like in in standard IOS and all prefixes are passed to neighbors by default.

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