28 Jul

AWS Lambda guide part IV – API Gateway and Lambda without S3

AWS Lambda Tutorial, I will show you how to create or import your Python application to Lambda, use S3 bucket, add S3 trigger for Lambda and more!

It is time for some new final tuning of my small certificate signing service. In previous parts, I showed you what AWS Lambda service is and how to import simple Python application into serverless microservice. I also connected Lambda function to S3 storage service where I put certificates and key files. Then I added a trigger to the function, so Lambda function will execute automatically every time someone uploads new CSR file with certificate request to S3 bucket. Now I will show you not only how to make this function serverless but also storageless using API Gateway. It is not standard approach but in some scenarios might be interesting. So we will connect API Gateway and Lambda without S3 backend for keys and certificates.

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04 Jul

AWS Lambda guide part III – Adding S3 trigger in Lambda function

AWS Lambda Tutorial, I will show you how to create or import your Python application to Lambda, use S3 bucket, add S3 trigger for Lambda and more!

This is third part of the tutorial of AWS Lambda. In previous chapters I presented my small Python app I created for signing certificate requests and imported it to AWS Lambda service (check AWS Lambda guide part I – Import your Python application to Lambda). Then I modified the code so instead of using reference to static local files we can read and write to S3 bucket (check AWS Lambda guide part II – Access to S3 service from Lambda function). Now let’s move forward and add S3 trigger in Lambda function.

We can always execute Lambda function manually either from web panel or using CLI. We can also execute it from our other application if required. But microservices are often triggered by events. In this article I will show you how to automatically sign certificate using my Lambda function when request file is uploaded to S3 bucket. Let me show you how to program S3 trigger in Lambda.

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26 Jun

AWS Lambda guide part II – Access to S3 service from Lambda function

AWS Lambda Tutorial, I will show you how to create or import your Python application to Lambda, use S3 bucket, add S3 trigger for Lambda and more!

In previous chapter I talked a little what is AWS Lambda and idea behind serverless computing. Furthermore I presented small Python application I wrote to sign certificate requests using my CA authority certificate (how to create such you can find in my post How to act as your own local CA and sign certificate request from ASA). Then after importing the sandboxed Python environment (required because of non-standard library used for SSL, whole procedure is described in my post How to create Python sandbox archive for AWS Lambda) and small change in the code we managed to execute it in Lambda. Also I mentioned that we can use other AWS services in our code, in example Access to S3 service from Lambda.

As you remember the initial version of my application have static paths to all files and assume that it can open it from folders on local hard drive. If you run function in Lambda you need a place where you can store files. This place is AWS S3. In this chapter I show you how to use S3 service in function on Lambda. We will use boto3 library that you can locally install on your computer using pip.

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15 Jun

AWS Lambda guide part I – Import your Python application to Lambda

AWS Lambda Tutorial, I will show you how to create or import your Python application to Lambda, use S3 bucket, add S3 trigger for Lambda and more!

I lately started playing with AWS Lambda for few reasons. I become interested in serverless architecture, ways to save money while running apps and I wanted finally to learn Python. I’m a network engineer, not a software developer. I like cloud computing and see it as important part of market now. So that was an opportunity for me to learn something new. Now I want to share my knowledge with you and show you how to import your Python application to Lambda.

In my tutorial I want to show you that Lambda and programming is something interesting that you can use for everyday work whatever you do. Of course Lambda tutorials are already available on Internet but they show you how to make new application from scratch. I want to show you how to import your own small Python application to Lambda, required changes to the code, python environment, testing approach and finally how to expand it using other AWS services. This post is just first chapter!

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09 Jun

How to create Python sandbox archive for AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda and Python

AWS Lambda contain now 1067 Python libraries that we can use in our programs. The number is big and small at the same time. It should give us flexibility in writing apps but same time is limitation – there are many non-standard libraries that are better replacement for default ones. I will show you how to create Python application sandbox and then ZIP archive for AWS Lambda that will contain libraries not available by default so you can use them in your serverless application.

Using this application I’ve generated list of available libraries for Python 2.7 and you can check the list here.

Serverless applications idea is that we don’t have access to operating system. We just run our code in own sandbox. Therefor we can’t just install new package if we miss it. Solution is providing ZIP archive with code of our application and python environment that have all non-standard libraries inside. Let me show you how to do this.

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