07 Jul

How to display HTML page using only AWS API Gateway

API Gateway is a powerful tool you can use to create a frontend for your application hosted on AWS. It let developers create, maintain, secure and monitor API on a large scale. This API is a gateway to access your data, functions, logic or any web application hosted on AWS. Logic is based on RESTful API framework used in an example by web servers and can be used to eliminate physical or virtual servers from infrastructure. API Gateway is a tool for a dynamic and flexible approach for data transformation. Let me show you how to display HTML page using only AWS API Gateway.

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09 Jun

How to create Python sandbox archive for AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda and Python

AWS Lambda contain now 1067 Python libraries that we can use in our programs. The number is big and small at the same time. It should give us flexibility in writing apps but same time is limitation – there are many non-standard libraries that are better replacement for default ones. I will show you how to create Python application sandbox and then ZIP archive for AWS Lambda that will contain libraries not available by default so you can use them in your serverless application.

Using this application I’ve generated list of available libraries for Python 2.7 and you can check the list here.

Serverless applications idea is that we don’t have access to operating system. We just run our code in own sandbox. Therefor we can’t just install new package if we miss it. Solution is providing ZIP archive with code of our application and python environment that have all non-standard libraries inside. Let me show you how to do this.

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