26 Nov

Conditional parameter value in Ansible playbooks

Juniper automation with Ansible

Ansible playbook is just a list of tasks executed one by one in the order you define them in the playbook code. Using the conditional statements you may skip execution of some tasks, but there is one general rule that should apply to all playbooks you create – keep the number of tasks at the minimum.

Execution of each task takes time, and until you provide additional optimization, Ansible will establish the connection, perform an authentication process and then terminate the connection with a remote device. The longer this process takes, the more time you waste when you execute the playbook. It is a good practice to consolidate the tasks – if you need to perform multiple commands on a remote network device, you should define them as a parameter of one task instead of running them in separate tasks. In rare cases it may lead to unexpected problems like the one I described in my post Automated scripts can send commands faster than RP can process.

Sometimes you need to vary the value of an option provided to the task module. If you need to get an output of a CLI command on Juniper device, you will use the module junos_command which is part of standard Ansible library. Using the display parameter, you can specify if command output will be encoded in XML or JSON format. JSON is a more flexible format, but it is not a supported output format on older JunOS version. If you try to request it but the firmware does not support it your task, and the whole playbook will fail. Most of the developers will create two separate task and the conditional test to check version as a task with the when option. However, let me show you the other, not that well known, way.

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14 Nov

Should vendors ask for a license to enable the API?

My friend let me use one of his older, unused servers in his data center so I have a place to run some virtual machines for my automation projects. As you may expect there is no SLA for this server, no redundancy, limited storage. For me, it is still better to have lab running 24/7 there than using my desktop PC or pay for resources in the public cloud. The server is running ESXi 6.0 hypervisor and have a free license installed. 

The latest release of new VMware modules for Ansible was a trigger to develop a playbook that will let me back up the virtual machine from the datastore on a remote server to my home storage. Quite simple and straightforward idea lead to some unexpected problems and questions – Where should be the limit of features available in free licenses? Should automation be blocked, or at least some tasks, in free features?

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05 Nov

Ansible can’t read some facts from Juniper devices

Juniper automation with Ansible

It is really amazing how fast Ansible is developed lately. Stable versions are released more often and contain more changes required by IT professionals. Many of them fill the gaps between two worlds – the developers and operations engineers. Unfortunately, some modules are not catching up as fast as they should which causes problems in developing simple tasks. I experienced such when I was working on playbook example required for my latest press articles for ‘IT Professional’ magazine. The default Ansible junos_facts module couldn’t correctly read JunOS version on some devices. Usually on devices running the older firmware release. This can be a real problem if some tasks execution depends on the firmware version on the router or switch.

Besides the official modules and lots of roles available on Ansible Galaxy repository many vendors developed their own modules and let them use for free. In many cases, it should be considered a better, more secure approach as long as the vendor repository is still maintained. In my situation it was the easiest workaround of my problem.

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