28 Jul

AWS Lambda guide part IV – API Gateway and Lambda without S3

AWS Lambda Tutorial, I will show you how to create or import your Python application to Lambda, use S3 bucket, add S3 trigger for Lambda and more!

It is time for some new final tuning of my small certificate signing service. In previous parts, I showed you what AWS Lambda service is and how to import simple Python application into serverless microservice. I also connected Lambda function to S3 storage service where I put certificates and key files. Then I added a trigger to the function, so Lambda function will execute automatically every time someone uploads new CSR file with certificate request to S3 bucket. Now I will show you not only how to make this function serverless but also storageless using API Gateway. It is not standard approach but in some scenarios might be interesting. So we will connect API Gateway and Lambda without S3 backend for keys and certificates.

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07 Jul

How to display HTML page using only AWS API Gateway

API Gateway is a powerful tool you can use to create a frontend for your application hosted on AWS. It let developers create, maintain, secure and monitor API on a large scale. This API is a gateway to access your data, functions, logic or any web application hosted on AWS. Logic is based on RESTful API framework used in an example by web servers and can be used to eliminate physical or virtual servers from infrastructure. API Gateway is a tool for a dynamic and flexible approach for data transformation. Let me show you how to display HTML page using only AWS API Gateway.

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04 Jul

AWS Lambda guide part III – Adding S3 trigger in Lambda function

AWS Lambda Tutorial, I will show you how to create or import your Python application to Lambda, use S3 bucket, add S3 trigger for Lambda and more!

This is third part of the tutorial of AWS Lambda. In previous chapters I presented my small Python app I created for signing certificate requests and imported it to AWS Lambda service (check AWS Lambda guide part I – Import your Python application to Lambda). Then I modified the code so instead of using reference to static local files we can read and write to S3 bucket (check AWS Lambda guide part II – Access to S3 service from Lambda function). Now let’s move forward and add S3 trigger in Lambda function.

We can always execute Lambda function manually either from web panel or using CLI. We can also execute it from our other application if required. But microservices are often triggered by events. In this article I will show you how to automatically sign certificate using my Lambda function when request file is uploaded to S3 bucket. Let me show you how to program S3 trigger in Lambda.

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