AWS Lambda guide part II – Access to S3 service from Lambda function

In previous chapter I talked a little what is AWS Lambda and idea behind serverless computing. Furthermore I presented small Python application I wrote to sign certificate requests using my CA authority certificate (how to create such you can find in my post How to act as your own local CA and sign certificate request from ASA). Then after importing the sandboxed Python environment (required because of non-standard library used for SSL, whole procedure is described in my post How to create Python sandbox archive for AWS Lambda) and small change in the code we managed to execute it in Lambda. Also I mentioned that we can use other AWS services in our code, in example Access to S3 service from Lambda.
As you remember the initial version of my application have static paths to all files and assume that it can open it from folders on local hard drive. If you run function in Lambda you need a place where you can store files. This place is AWS S3. In this chapter I show you how to use S3 service in function on Lambda. We will use boto3 library that you can locally install on your computer using pip.